En İyi Üniversiteler Usta programlar içinde İsrail 2025
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Be'er Sheva, İsrail
- Sde Boker, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Ariel University
Ariel University
- Ari'el, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
- Jerusalem District, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Jerusalem, İsrail
- Rehovot, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Bar-Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University
- Ramat Gan, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) Lev Academic Center
Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) Lev Academic Center
- Jerusalem, İsrail
1969'da kurulan Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), üç kampüste yaklaşık 4.800 öğrencisiyle İsrail'in en büyük akademik kurumlarından biridir. Kolej, yüksek teknoloji mühendisliği, endüstriyel yönetim, işletme yönetimi ve yaşam ve sağlık bilimlerinde uzmanlaşmıştır.
Polis – The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities
Polis – The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities
- Jerusalem, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
College of Law and Business
College of Law and Business
- Ramat Gan, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Beit Berl College
Beit Berl College
- בית ברל, כפר סבא, İsrail
Beit Berl College , eğitim, toplum ve sanatta yeni gelişmelere öncülük ederken eğitimciler yetiştirmeye odaklanan çok disiplinli bir kolejdir. Eğitimi, İsrail toplumunun tüm sektörleri için sosyal hareketlilik, eşitlik ve adalet için bir araç olarak görüyoruz.
ORT Braude College Of Engineering
ORT Braude College Of Engineering
- Karmiel, İsrail
ORT Braude Akademik Mühendislik Fakültesi, kuruluşundan bu yana tek bir hedefi benimsemiştir: ekonomik geçmişlerine bakılmaksızın tüm İsrailliler için yüksek öğrenimi erişilebilir kılmak.
Kinneret Academic College
Kinneret Academic College
- Degania Bet, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University
Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv-Yafo, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
FX Academy
FX Academy
- Binyamina, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Weizmann Institute of Science, Feinberg Graduate School
Weizmann Institute of Science, Feinberg Graduate School
- Rehovot, İsrail
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
College of Law & Business
College of Law & Business
- Ramat Gan, İsrail
Geçtiğimiz 20 yıl boyunca, Hukuk ve İşletme Koleji (CLB), yeni nesil İsrailli avukat ve işadamlarını 21. yüzyılın karşılaştığı güçlükler için hazırlamaya adamıştır. Mükemmelliğin, profesyonellik ve insan haklarının değerlerini savunan liderleri yetiştirmek için hem sosyal hem de küresel düzeyde güçlü bir odaklanma ile akademik mükemmelliğin en üst düzeylerini birleştirdik.