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Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Master Psychology: Legal Psychology
Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Master Psychology: Legal Psychology

Maastricht, Hollanda

1 Years


Tam zamanlı

01 May 2025*

Sep 2025

EUR 32.000 / per year


* AB/EER üyesi olmayan öğrenciler için 1 Haziran ve AB/EER öğrencileri için


In the master’s specialisation in Legal Psychology, you’ll learn how to apply principles from cognitive and – to a lesser extent – clinical psychology to issues in the legal system. Questions that are typical for Legal Psychology are: ‘How reliable are eyewitness testimonies?’ and ‘Do serious criminals have brain dysfunctions that make them permanently dangerous to society?’. Psychologists with a background in Legal Psychology ask questions that have direct relevance to the legal arena and conduct research to address these questions.

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