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Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Master Psychology: Neuropsychology
Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Master Psychology: Neuropsychology

Maastricht, Hollanda

1 Years


Tam zamanlı

01 May 2025*

Sep 2025

EUR 32.000 / per year


* AB/EER üyesi olmayan öğrenciler için 1 Haziran ve AB/EER öğrencileri için


If you choose to specialise in Neuropsychology, you'll study normal and deviant behavior in relation to brain structure and function. You'll particularly focus on congenital, acquired, and degenerative brain dysfunctions, and their related neuropsychiatric disorders. The neuropharmacological mechanisms that underlie behavior in health and disease will also be highlighted in the program. By combining in-depth courses that provide theoretical knowledge with courses on advanced methodological and diagnostic skills, you'll obtain all the training you need to pursue a clinical or scientific career in this highly challenging domain.

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