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Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Research master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: Fundamental Neuroscience
Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Research master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: Fundamental Neuroscience

Maastricht, Hollanda

2 Years


Tam zamanlı

01 Mar 2025

Sep 2025

EUR 32.000 / per year



The specialisation in Fundamental Neuroscience provides you with both a theoretical background and practical experience in research at the interface between psychology and biology. This specialisation takes brain cells as a starting point and uses knowledge from different neuroscience disciplines, such as molecular biology and behavioral testing, to study how the brain functions. The programme will give you an overview of the mechanisms that underlie psychological processes, as well as psychiatric and neurological disorders, and will provide you with the laboratory skills needed to conduct preclinical research into these disorders and mechanisms.

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